Can the Human Protect the Nature?

There are many kinds of flowers near extinction, how can we protect them?

A young natural environmental protectionist hang a rope with the mountain climbing on the shores of the Napali Coast of the Hawaiian Islands, he close to few plants carefully. He transfer pollen like a pollinator, the pollen were stored in a small glass bottle which needed he dipped by a water color brush and paint on. This kind of plant called Brisghana gs, it is an extremely endangered plant of the genus Campanula. Its large fleshy leaves form a flower pattern, standing at 3 to 16 feet. There may be only 5 groups left in this plant, and a total of 45 to 65 plants live in the wild.Click Here For More.

Large-scale relief work in Hawaii has already worked for the woody genus. Not only the rare plants in the wild are pollinated by artificial pollination, but the seedlings cultivated in the greenhouse are now returning to their previous habitats. Two exotic introduced hawk moths, tomato hawk moth and tobacco hawk moth, seem to replace the unique pollinator moth of the genus Brassica. However, humans cannot intervene to manage every endangered flowering plant in the world and do artificial pollination superheroes to save each species. We must work to change some of the bad habits of human beings to protect habitats, flowering plants, and animal pollinators who have evolved with them.

Thousands of wildflower species around the world are on the verge of extinction, and many have disappeared. Flowering plants themselves should be protected. If the protection of flowers needs to be rationalized economically, we don’t have to look far away. Click Here For More. It is enough to look at our own garden. Many endangered flowers in the world are the ancestors of our favorite garden flowers and cut flowers. If flowering plants are our true companion plants, then we must consider how to care for them and their wild relatives. Daily news or NGO annual reports are not only full of worrying statistics.

Scientists, naturalists, students, civic scientists and volunteers are busy working on planting, transplanting and caring for rare plants. The concept of natural environmental protection is spreading, and now people are helping to plant flowering plants because they are our partners. Click Here For More. Some of plants neared extinct, but now they have a light future again since the action that people adopt. Planting local wildflowers or traditional varieties in private and public gardens suitable for pollinators’ survival, without the use of pesticides or herbicides, and joining civil public events and organizations, through which we can make significant efforts to protect flowers and their pollinators. Doing this may be a small step to protecting nature, but by gathering our efforts from all the world, you can quickly provide lasting protection for your flowers. We can be the housekeeper of plants, starting with their own homes, backyards and parks. To make our own contribution, we can buy organic flowers, especially those certified by various agencies. We can support the use of pollution-free insecticide during planting.