Novelty in Nature

Nature is very funny and novelty because there are a lot of things waiting us to discover in nature. Well, both human’s development and social progress depend on nature exploration by human. Perhaps someone may think about there are some risks never known by human in nature. Certainly, for novelty in nature must be with some risk, but it never stop our pace to research and discover from nature. Hereby, there are some simple natural phenomenons as below, whether you feel so novelty?

Why can not the ostrich fly?

A large ostrich is a species of birds, but they can not fly to heaven. Not because their wings do not work, however because their feathers are too soft and their wings are too small to fly. The Ostrich’s wings cannot be suitable to fly. Besides, the muscles of the ostrich are also not developed and the sternum is flat so both of these reasons cannot help to fly. The ostriches live in Africa, and their bodies have evolved into what they are now because they have lived in desert areas for a long time.


Why is the tail of a lizard bouncing after broken ?

In order to protect themselves, many lizards utilize sematic colors to cover other eyes and ears, meanwhile some lizards will lose their tails by severe muscle contractions when attacked. Based on the fact that part of the nerve in the broken tail is still alive, it bounces and distracts the enemy’s attention in order to the lizards may escape successfully. Do not think their lives will end like this. Actually it will take only a few months and then their tails will grow back and continue to live.

Why do babies cry all the time when they are born?

Babies always cry when they are born, not because they are unhappy, however they are breathing the first air. When babies leave their mothers’ bodies and are born, the first breath of air they take rushes into their throats, which pounds the vocal cords violently, vibrating vocal cord and then making a cry-like sound.

Why can not the human’s thumb have one or three phalanges?

Normally the person has five fingers, and the fingers have different lengths. But did anyone notice that there were three sections for other fingers except the thumb with only two section? It turns out that its number coincides with the other four fingers. If in the three phalanges, the thumb will be so weak that it can not lift heavy objects. If the thumb with only one section, it will not be able to cooperate with the other four fingers to hold tightly and freely.

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