The Historical Culture of Canada

However, the collision between the British and French cultures is not a simple Quebec bill. In Quebec, French Canadians and British Canadians are seriously opposed to each other. The British government had no choice to divide Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada in 1791, the Upper Canada is as Ontario now, the Lower Canada is as Quebec now.

Despite the ups and downs of British and French Canadians, Canada has never stopped moving toward a unified and independent federal state. As early as 1812, before the outbreak of the US-British war, the United States had invaded Canada many times, and the national consciousness of Canadians began to awaken. After the US-British war, Canada’s economy began to develop rapidly, and large-scale immigration surges occurred in all provinces of Canada. Immigrants have injected strong economic vitality into Canada. The golden wheat waves and the logging sounds of each other constitute a vibrant and prosperous scene. Economic development has placed demands on unified markets and political autonomy. In the 1930s, the Canadian economy was in crisis, there was a French riot led by Louis Joseph Papineau in Quebec, and Mackenzie’s rebellion against British rule in Ontario, and Nova Civil riots have occurred in the provinces of Skotha and Canada. In this case, the British government had to adjust its ruling policy toward Canada. In 1840, the Upper and Lower Canada were merged into a ”Canada province”. Ten years later, the colonial government, which was only responsible for the elected parliament and not controlled by the British governor, was finally established in various places.

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